blog 01
29 Sep 2023

Best Resume Making Techniques - Do's and Don’ts

Your resume is one ofthe most important documents in your job search journey. A well-crafted resumecan help you land more interviews, while a poorly designed one might getoverlooked. In this blog, we will discuss some best practices and techniques tocreate an effective resume that highlights your qualifications and experiencein the optimal way. We will also cover some common resume mistakes to avoid.Following the resume dos and don'ts discussed here will greatly improve yourchances of scoring an interview.


Importance of a Well-Crafted Resume

A resume is one of themost important documents when applying for jobs. It is often the firstimpression an employer will have of you. For this reason, it is crucial to havea well-crafted resume that highlights your qualifications and experience in thebest light. A poorly written or disorganized resume could mean your applicationgets passed over without a second thought.

You need to take thetime to craft your resume carefully. Choose a simple, easy to read font andformat that clearly displays your contact information, work history, educationand skills. Only include the most relevant information for the job you areapplying to. Employers do not have time to read through long, rambling resumes.

Keep each pointconcise while emphasizing your accomplishments and how they relate to the jobrequirements. Have another set of eyes proofread your resume as well to catchany mistakes or areas that could be clearer. A resume is your chance to sellyourself on paper so it is worth spending the time to make it the best it canbe to increase your chances of landing an interview.


DOs of Resume Making

Your resume is often the first andsometimes the only impression you make on a potential employer. It needs tostand out from the hundreds of other applications and get you shortlisted foran interview. While there are many resume writing tips available, followingsome basic DOs can significantly increase your chances of success. 

Start with a Strong Summary or Objective Statement

The opening statementis extremely important as it gives the recruiter a quick snapshot of why youare a perfect fit. It should be a high-level 3–4-line pitch about your relevantskills, experience, qualifications and career goals aligned to the job. Don'tsimply state your designation, be specific about the value you bring.

For example,"Detail-oriented Administrative Assistant with 5 years of experienceseeking to provide efficient administrative, clerical and customer servicesupport to management. Proficient in multitasking, creating spreadsheets,coordinating calendars and meetings. Passionate about organizational skills anddelivering excellence through Quality Management principles. Aimed at excellingin a fast-paced environment where I can fully utilize my interpersonal skillsto achieve business goals."

Use a Clean and Professional Format

Easy on the eyesformatting grabs attention. Choose a simple yet elegant font like Calibri,Times New Roman or Arial in acceptable 11-12 size. Keep consistent margins of 1inch or 0.8 inch all around. Structure key sections clearly with descriptiveheadings in bold e.g., Profile Summary, Key Skills, Work Experience etc. Usebullet points to highlight responsibilities and accomplishments neatly indentedbelow each role. Maintain uniformity in font, heading style, bullet points forvisual appeal. You can consider a two-column layout if space is constrained.Don't clutter - focus on qualitative not quantitative information. Use whitespace properly for readability.

Highlight Your Achievements

Don't merely listduties, quantify your impact and results. For example, instead of "Managedteam of 5 people", say "Led team leading to 30% increase in saleswithin 6 months". Mention achievements that are relevant, impressive andbenefitted the organization. Highlight achievements that directly addressedtheir needs stated in job posting.

Another example couldbe "Streamlined procurement process cutting costs by 20%". Don't exaggerate,keep it honest. Also mention awards, recognitions, certifications that addvalue. Consider customer testimonials, positive feedback if any to demonstratesuccess. The star performer shines through achievements, not responsibilitiesalone.

Tailor Your Resume for Each Job Application

Research thoroughly tounderstand the exact fit of your profile. Identify 2-3 most importantqualifications they seek. Revise your resume pointwise to highlight thosequalifications prominently through customized content, examples, wording andsequence. Remove everything not exactly meeting their needs. Specify preciselythe technologies, tools, methodologies mentioned rather than generic terms.

Customize coveringletter too emphasizing why you are perfectly matched. This laser targetedapproach will hook the recruiter in initial screening itself compared to ageneric application. Take the extra effort to improve chances through tailoredselling of your strengths.

Include Keywords

Carefully scan throughjob description, questions, ideal candidate profile, skills/experience sectionsfor frequently used important terms. Naturally fit these keywords whereverrelevant without sounding unnatural. Ensure you mention the exact technologies,tools, soft skills, industry terms and abbreviations used in posting.

This could make orbreak your application in applicant tracking systems or automated resumescreening. Check website too for additional clues. One missed keyword caneliminate you even if otherwise qualified, so is imperative to not leave anystone unturned. Consider developing skills profile highlighting set of mostimportant keywords for each role.

Showcase Your Education and Certifications

Briefly showcase yourqualification background but keep it brief as works experience gets toppriority. Mention university/institute name, location, year of passing anddiscipline/specialization in reverse chronological order. If you have apost-graduate degree, list it above your graduation. Highlight certifications,training programmes relevant to the job like PMP, CCNA, Refactoring, Core Javaetc.

Supplement thissection with GPA or percentage and scholastic/extra-curricular achievements ifexceptional or asked specifically. But don't overcrowd - keep sections balancedas per rest of resume style and flow. Be ready to discuss details if required,but avoid overemphasis that takes away from your core strengths.


DON'Ts of Resume Making

While highlighting your achievements andrelevant skills is imperative, it is also important to avoid common resumepitfalls. The following paragraphs will outline key DON'Ts to keep in mind whenconstructing your resume, so you can maximize your chances of standing out forthe right reasons. 

Avoid Irrelevant Information

When crafting yourresume, it is crucial to only include details that directly relate to andsupport your candidacy for the specific role you are applying for. Addingirrelevant information about hobbies, personal life details, or past jobs andexperiences that have no connection to the position can distract hiringmanagers from seeing your fit for the job. The focus of your resume should behighlighting your qualifications, skills, achievements, and experiences thatclearly demonstrate you have what it takes to succeed in the target position.

Be concise andselective about the details you provide, only choosing those that are trulyrelevant and help showcase why you are an exceptional candidate. Includingextraneous facts that do not serve this purpose can muddle your resume andprevent key details from standing out.

Don't Make It Too Long

Resumes should striveto be compact and concise, generally fitting onto one or two pages. Avoidexceeding this approximate length by being discerning with what details andaccomplishments you include. Choose to feature only the most relevant andimpressive items that directly portray your qualifications for the desiredrole. Utilize bullet points to concisely convey information, when possible,rather than lengthy sentences or paragraphs.

Allow ample whitespace and organize sections logically to maximize readability and ensureimportant details can be easily spotted by hiring managers. Crafting a resumethat is overly dense, wordy, or continues for multiple pages can cause keyinformation to get buried and make it more difficult for recruiters to discernyour suitability for the job.

Say No to Unprofessional Email Addresses

The email address youprovide on your resume offers the first impression of your professionalism. Itis essential to use an address that is simple, clean, and formal for yourresume. Avoid email addresses with cute nicknames, your birth year, favoritesports team, or other overly casual or personal details.

A professionalformatted address will simply combine your first and last name, like “”. Using silly addresses like “” or “” can undermine your professional image andlead employers to question your judgment. Your resume email presents anopportunity to convey your seriousness and qualifications, so it is importantto choose an address that looks polished, adult, and work-appropriate.

Don't Exaggerate or Lie

Honesty and integrityshould always be your policy when constructing your resume. Exaggerating orlying about your professional capabilities, educational background, previousexperience, skills, or accomplishments will likely be revealed in backgroundchecks or interviews, destroying your credibility.

Instead of inflatingyour resume with falsehoods, focus on highlighting your genuine achievementsand abilities. While it can be tempting to try boosting your resume this way,getting caught in a lie will completely ruin your chances with an employer.Even minor manipulations of the truth should be avoided. Your resume shouldaccurately represent who you are as a candidate – nothing more, nothing less.

Don't Forget Proofreading

Before submitting yourfinal resume, take time to thoroughly proofread every detail for any errors inspelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, or facts/dates. Read slowly andcarefully, double and triple checking important information like your contactdetails, employer names, and job titles or dates. Ask a friend to review yourresume with fresh eyes to catch any mistakes you may have missed.

Typos and othererrors, no matter how small, suggest carelessness to employers and undermineyour professionalism. A flawless resume shows employers you pay close attentionto detail and can deliver polished, accurate work. The quality of your resumeoften serves as a writing sample, so proofreading is imperative to making astellar first impression.



In conclusion, taking the time to create aresume using the best techniques discussed can make a huge difference in howfar your job application goes. Remember to keep it simple, highlight your mostrelevant qualifications, and have others proofread it. Avoid fluffy pointlesssentences and personal pronouns. Stick to facts, figures, and concrete achievementsthat illustrate why you are a great fit for the role. A well-designed resumethat follows the dos and sidesteps the don'ts is your best chance to pique anemployer’s interest and land that all important first interview. 

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