blog 01
06 Nov 2023

How To Keep Your Sales + Recruiting Team Motivated During The Tough Times (Downturn)?

Keeping sales and recruiting teams motivated during economicdownturns or periods of slower business is crucial but also challenging formanagers. Morale and productivity can easily decline if teams feel abandoned orthat their efforts aren't acknowledged. As leaders, it's important to takeproactive steps to boost morale and support reps during tough times. This blogwill explore various strategies used by companies to maintain motivation levelsacross their sales and recruiting functions. From clear internal communicationto recognizing achievements, they demonstrate simple but effective ways tofoster motivated teams even when facing difficulties outside of their control.

How Recruiting Team Stays Motivated During Tough Times?

Here are how to keep recruiting team motivated during tough times-

Pitch in when colleagues are struggling

When workloads start declining for some recruiters on theteam, due to a slowdown in hiring needs, their colleagues make sure to pitch inand help out. Those with lighter schedules take on extra tasks from recruiterswho have several opening roles to fill. This helps balance the work across theteam so no one is feeling overly burdened. People also donate their time toassist with administrative work or business development calls for recruiterswrestling with multiple placements at once. By pooling their skills andbandwidth this way, team members ensure no one burns out trying to do it allalone during tougher stretches. Their willingness to collaborate lightens eachother's loads during difficult periods.

Make sure that managers treat recruiters well

During times of slow hiring, managers make an extra effortto check in regularly with recruiters and provide encouragement. They areattentive to signs of stress or overload and quickly intervene to help balanceworkloads. Recruiters feel empowered to voice any concerns without fear ofreprisal from their managers. This open communication and responsiveness fromabove helps recruiters feel cared for, even when business is sluggish. Itboosts morale for employees to know that their managers have their well-beingin mind during tougher stretches.

'Survey the heck' out of teams to get their feedback

The recruiting leadership makes it a priority to regularlygather feedback from their team when work volumes fluctuate. They conductfrequent pulse surveys, interviews, and focus groups to understand howrecruiters are feeling during uncertain periods. Leaders want to know what isstressing recruiters out and what could be improved. They also ask forsuggestions on how managers can better support the team. Having an opendialogue in this way helps recruiters feel heard during difficult times. It alsoensures managers understand how to best motivate and lead their people throughtough stretches. The feedback helps fine-tune strategies to boost morale andoptimize conditions for the team.

Help managers level up on leadership

During downturns, the recruiting leadership recognizes thatmanagers may need additional coaching to effectively lead their teams. Theyprovide training to help managers hone their communication, empathy andproblem-solving skills. Managers learn how to have difficult conversations,recognize signs of stress in their reports and find solutions to imbalanceworkloads. Leaders also help managers reflect on their own strengths and areasfor growth as leaders. This focused development ensures managers have the righttools to support and motivate their recruiters through tough periods. It helpsrecruiting managers strengthen their abilities to steer their teams in theright direction.

Offer specific praise for a job well done

The recruiting managers make an extra effort to recognizegood work during more difficult times. They identify recruiters who haveexceeded expectations by landing challenging placements, optimizing processes,or going above and beyond to help others. Managers then specifically call outthese accomplishments both privately and publicly. Offering praise that citesconcrete examples of achievements done well boosts morale. Recruiters feelvalued for their efforts, even as deal flows slow. The recognition motivatesteams to continue performing at a high standard. It reminds them that remainingsolutions-focused and collaborative will be noticed, whether business isbooming or slowing.

How Do You Keep Your Sales Team Motivated During Tough Times?

Here are some ways to keep your sales team motivated duringtough times:

Communicate clearly and frequently

Frequent and clear communication from managers is criticalin keeping sales teams motivated during difficult periods. The sales managersat this company make communication with their teams a top priority when timesare tough. They provide updates on company performance and overall marketconditions on a weekly basis. This ensures reps are informed on how thebusiness is doing and helps eliminate uncertainty. Managers are alsotransparent about challenges and convey an optimistic yet realistic outlook.Reps report feeling more motivated thanks to the consistency and honesty ofthese communications from their leaders. The open line of communication helpsreps feel less isolated in their roles.

Recognize and reward achievements

Even small successes deserve recognition when sales areslow. This team understands the importance of acknowledging achievements, nomatter how big or small, during tough times. Celebrating wins, whether it'slanding a new client or getting a promising lead, helps boost morale. Themanagers get creative with rewards - from shout-outs in weekly emails to smallgifts for big deals. They ensure recognition is timely and personalized.Recognizing top performers publicly helps motivate others. Achievements are alsodocumented and counted towards overall sales contests to keep the competitivespirit alive. This recognition keeps reps engaged and working hard, even whendeals are harder to come by.

Provide coaching and training

When sales slowdown, ongoing coaching and training becomeseven more vital. The managers at this company see downtime as an opportunity tohelp reps hone their skills. During one-on-one sessions, they role-playdifficult customer objections and provide tailored feedback. Lunch-and-learntrainings are frequently held over video to keep reps learning. The trainingsfocus on topics like crafting compelling proposals or utilizing new tech. Repsfind this coaching reassures them that managers still believe in their growth.It also gives them new tools to acquire clients in a challenging environment.Staying sharp prevents skills from losing edge during slow patches. Repswelcome the active support to help drive future wins.

Foster a positive and supportive culture

The management team makes a conscious effort to fosterstrong team cohesion during tough periods. They organize frequent virtualsocials to keep morale high. Random video check-ins allow reps to discussnon-work topics and feel connected. An open-door policy also promotes support -reps are comfortable approaching managers with any challenges or concerns.There is no punished for missed targets, just an emphasis on growth. Thisreduces pressure and stress. The group often celebrates both work and personalmilestones remotely to maintain a sense of work-life balance. Their positivework culture ensures reps feel motivated by their colleagues and leadership,even in times of industry adversity.

Set realistic and attainable goals

When the market is slow, the managers set sales goals thatare challenging but still within reach. They take current conditions intoaccount rather than just past performance. This prevents reps from feelingconstantly behind due to external factors. Short-term, monthly goals areemphasized over large quarterly targets. Progress is consistently reviewed, andgoals can be readjusted as needed. Reps feel energized hitting goals that theybuy into as fair. Managers also focus on activities, like sales calls orpresentations, more than fixed quotas. This provides a sense of control andallows natural progression. Setting the right expectations keeps teamsmotivated to perform their best even in tough economies.


Keeping sales and recruiting teams engaged should be a toppriority for managers during downturns. While challenges may be inevitable, ademoralized or unmotivated team can negatively impact performance andretention. The approaches discussed here, such as coaching, setting reasonablegoals, and building a collaborative culture, can help teams weather toughperiods successfully. When times are difficult, leadership and a strong supportsystem for reps becomes even more critical. By focusing on communication,recognition and development, managers can ensure their sales and recruitingfunctions come out of the slowdown stronger and better equipped to deliverresults over the long term. With the right motivation strategies, teams canthrive even in uncertain economic environments.

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