blog 01
08 Nov 2023

The Best Perks Employees Cherish And Increase Their Work Commitment

Benefits and bonuses for employees are essential in luring top talent and boosting loyalty within a company. Benefits beyond compensation can have a significant influence on job happiness and engagement, even if a competitive salary is typically the main driver for both job searchers and current employees. Employers who provide the correct balance of monetary and non-monetary bonuses observe significant gains in worker loyalty, productivity, and retention. The blog will examine some of the most desirable benefits workers seek and how they strengthen commitment to the company.


The Importance Of Employee Perks


Employees know that their skills are in high demand and seek employers that acknowledge and appreciate their contributions beyond a paycheck. Perks signal to employees that the company cares about their well-being and wants to support them professionally and personally. It creates a feeling of being valued, which, in turn, strengthens emotional ties to the organization. Perks can also offset work stress and make demanding jobs more sustainable in the long term. When employees feel their needs are met and their lives enhanced through bonuses, they are far more likely to remain engaged and committed to the company's goals and mission.


Additionally, robust perk packages allow companies to attract top candidates who may have options elsewhere. In today's competitive job market, perks are often a deciding factor for candidates choosing between comparable roles. Offering desired perks can give employers an advantage in recruiting against other companies. Substantial perks also motivate current employees to stay rather than pursue new opportunities with competitors that tout better benefits. Overall, strategic use of perks helps companies build highly engaged and loyal workforces.


Connection Between Employee Perks And Work Commitment


Studies show a positive correlation between desirable employee perks and increased organizational dedication. When employees feel appreciated through meaningful perks, they feel inclined to reciprocate that appreciation with extra effort, willingness to take on additional responsibilities, and loyalty to the company's mission. Some key ways perks boost engagement and commitment include:


  • Employees work harder knowing they are reaping ancillary rewards for their work beyond just a paycheck. It strengthens their ties to achieving organizational goals.
  • Perks signal the company is looking out for employee wellness and satisfaction, building trust in leadership and the organization on a deeper level.
  • Flexible perks help employees balance their professional and personal lives, reducing stress that could otherwise lead to dissatisfaction or burnout.
  • Recognition through perks fulfills the basic human need for appreciation and makes employees feel optimistic about their contributions.
  • Fair, competitive pay coupled with desired perks reassures employees their skills are adequately compensated at their current employer.
  • Continually improving perks encourages employees to remain with the company to keep enjoying the new/enhanced benefits over time.


Overall, the right combination of valued perks satisfies multiple employee needs, strengthening their bonds to the organization and willingness to devote discretionary effort to its success.


Monetary Benefits- Competitive Salaries And Raises


A competitive base salary that meets or exceeds industry standards is table stakes for any employer. However, periodic salary increases that outpace inflation ensure employees feel their compensation keeps up with the market value of their skills. Annual raises communicate an employer's commitment to maintaining a fair balance without employees needing to consider changing jobs. Studies show most employees remain satisfied when annual increases match or exceed 3%. Factor-based raises tied to revenue growth, billable hours, or other tangible metrics help employees understand how their efforts directly lead to higher pay. Promptly addressing salary equity issues also reassures top performers their contributions are appropriately valued. Keeping raises ongoing is a powerful monetary perk and little sacrifice to retaining high-caliber employees.


Monetary Benefits - Performance-Based Bonuses


Bonuses provide employees with lucrative incentives to deliver outstanding results for the company. Strategically structured rewards motivate employees to achieve team and individual goals that further business priorities. Examples include:

  • Annual performance bonuses are based on achieving annual OKRs/KPIs and individual review ratings. Bonus % are communicated upfront.
  • Variable commission/bonus plans that tie significant portions of pay to metrics like sales numbers, project milestones, client retention, etc.
  • Spot bonuses for exceptional effort and outcomes outside of usual job duties and deadlines.
  • Signing or retention bonuses for critical roles or during competitive hiring markets.

Thoughtful bonus schemes boost intrinsic motivation beyond just the bonus amounts. They communicate a company's dedication to closely linking compensation with the actual business impact employees facilitate.


Non-Monetary Benefits- Flexible Work Arrangements


One of the most valued modern perks is flexibility, allowing employees to balance responsibilities outside work more seamlessly. Flexible scheduling helps employees avoid unnecessary stressors that could hamper productivity and satisfaction. Examples of flexible arrangements include:


  • Flexible hours/shifts that let employees choose start/end times as long as work gets done.
  • -Compressed work weeks that condense standard hours over fewer days for more extended weekends.
  • -Part-time options for specific roles or life stages like parenting to attract top diverse talent.
  • -Unlimited PTO encourages employees to recharge without limiting time accruals.
  • -Job-sharing, where two employees effectively fill one role and split responsibilities and schedules.

Flexible arrangements benefit employees and employers by improving satisfaction, well-being, diversity, and overall engagement while often maintaining or increasing productivity.


Non-Monetary Benefits -Remote Work Options


The pandemic accelerated remote work's acceptance, and it has now become a mainstream perk employee strongly desire post-pandemic as well. Ongoing remote options provide flexibility for employees living farther from offices or with caregiving responsibilities. It also allows companies to recruit top talent regardless of location. Win-win remote policies include:

  • A mix of remote and in-office options allows employees flexibility based on team/project needs.
  • Employer-supplied technology equipment to facilitate seamless remote productivity.
  • Ensuring remote employees feel included in team communications and collaboration opportunities.
  • Clear remote job expectations and accountability to integrate remote roles successfully.

Thoughtful remote policies are proven engagement and retention boosters that access broader, diverse talent pools at a lower real estate cost for companies as a valued flexibility perk.


Non-Monetary Benefits -Flextime And Compressed Workweeks


Flextime schedules the ability to adjust daily start and end times while still working a standard number of hours per week within core business availability is highly valued. Compressed workweeks also allow full-time work over fewer days by extending workdays for regular longer weekends. It supports better work-life integration through the following:

  • Flexibility to handle personal errands or medical appointments without using limited PTO.
  • More extended weekends to recharge, spend time with family and relax without feeling rushed.
  • Reduce daycare/commuting costs for employees with children by reducing weekly commutes/hours.

Appropriately structured with clear guidelines, flextime and compressed workweeks ensure availability during core hours while enhancing employee satisfaction and retention.


Employee Recognition And Awards


Public acknowledgment of work achievements is a basic human need. Formal and informal recognition like:

  • Spot awards for exemplary projects, initiatives, or going above and beyond regularly.
  • Peer recognition awards voted by coworkers for team players and collaborative colleagues.
  • Service awards celebrating longevity and loyalty milestones with the company.
  • Top performer and top team awards highlighting annual star employees and groups.
  • Educational/training sponsorship as an investment in employees' career growth.
  • Networking events and networking opportunities.


Thoughtful recognition fulfills the need for validation while motivating others and fostering a culture where outstanding work is noticed and rewarded regardless of title or tenure. Tangible reinforces the impact recognition has on employee satisfaction.


Inclusive Workplace Culture


While often intangible, culture significantly impacts commitment, productivity, and retention. An inclusive culture where all voices are heard creates a sense of belonging. Implementing programs like:

  • Flexible family leave exceeding minimums, like subsidized backup childcare while on leave.
  • Employee resource groups within diversity domains to share experiences and mentorship.
  • Commitment to continuous culture training, including anti-bias and anti-racist programming.
  • Open door policy with leaders and employee surveys to address issues respectfully.
  • Volunteer/community service activities supported by the company.


An inclusive culture nurtures loyalty by fulfilling the basic need to feel respected and able to contribute talents with support for diverse experiences fully. Investments in these programs create a significant impact on employee dedication.



Employee perks serve vital strategic purposes in today's competitive landscape for attracting top talent and increasing employee commitment, engagement, and retention. Thoughtfully implemented perks address both the financial and non-financial needs of a diverse workforce across generations. When the right mix of monetary and non-monetary bonuses are offered, employees feel genuinely cared for and fulfilled through their work, driving higher productivity, fewer distractions, and stronger bonds to the organization's goals over the long run. Strategic perks should remain a key consideration for companies wanting fully engaged teams dedicated to sustainable business success.


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