main frame consultant
farming ton, MI
Job Description:
- Require Mix of Mainframe z/OS, CA OPS MVS and IMS database and knowledge managing CICS.
- Support IMS DB and DC and CICS
- Support IMS BMPs and DLI batch processing
Mainframe Automation
- Good Skills required with respect to Mainframe Systems programming(z/OS operating system, Customization parameters, IPL Process, Install and customize IBM and Non IBM products)
- Good working knowledge on different automation environments (Tivoli System Automation/NetView/WWAO, GDPS Automation, BMC AutoOperator and CA OPS/MVS).
- Good Skills in Upgrades, Installation and customization of System Au-tomation/NetView/WWAO, GDPS, BMC AutoOperator and CA OPS/MVS.
- Knowledge in customization of various Automation Tools and integration with SuperVision Server.
- Automation alert notifications like emailing, paging, ticketing and console messages with all the automation products
- Providing 24x7 Oncall support for Automation
- Message handling and suppression using Automation tools (CA/OPS MVS)
- Procedure for bringing up and bringing down application during IPL time us-ing
- Automate the subsystems JES2, TSO and VTAM using CLIST's and REXX and several full- screen panels to display the status of automation at regular intervals
- Checks for dependencies in an orderly fashion during Shutdown/IPL time.
- Knowledge in Rexx and Clist Language
CA OPS/MVS skills
- Installation, Customization and Initialization of OPS/MVS.
- Defining AOF rules and Creation of rules using Easy Rule panels
- Enhancing automation using OPS/REXX coding techniques.
- Defining and setting automation using OPSVIEW panels.
- Adding subsystems to System State Manager for automation monitoring.
- Analyzing Messages using Automation Analyzer.