Clinical Director Behavioral Health Location: Brooklyn, NY

Clinical Director Behavioral Health Location: Brooklyn, NY

  • Posted on : 09-08-2023
  • Job Type :

Job Description:






The Clinical Director VI will be responsible for overseeing the delivery of care in a behavioral health setting for a minimum of 1150 clients, in order to ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of services, identification of gaps in service delivery system, representing the Agency at meetings, conferences and public forums, strategic planning and implementation, development and implementation of processes and services that will improve the service delivery system, program development – including monitoring revenue, productivity, outcomes, staff training and development and staff supervision, compliance with contracts, agency policies and procedures, regulatory requirements and audit readiness and new initiatives. The Clinical Director VI is expected to have regular interactions with other management staff within Integrated Health and Wellness and the other corporations to promote coordinated care and comprehensive service delivery. 



  • Monitoring and overseeing all aspects related to the delivery of services – including program site visits on all staffing work shifts.
  • Provide direct clinical services to designated client population.
  • Ensuring that target population has access to service according to contractual requirements and Agency Mission.
  • Planning, coordinating, identifying and implementing program outcomes and evaluation, strategic planning, accreditation efforts and program development.
  • Responsible for hiring, orienting and training new staff.
  • Provide and/or oversee supervision of staff including ensuring coverage and supervision in situations which require 24 hour/7 day per week response.
  • Develop appropriate supervision coverage policies and procedures to ensure that adequate supervision and management is in effect for all work shifts.
  • Monitoring appropriateness of staff development models, staff supervision and staff training.
  • Responsible for ensuring that all programs report incidents in a professional manner to all required forums.
  • Monitoring program adherence to Agency, funding source and regulatory requirements.
  • Awareness, preparation and participation in internal and external audits.
  • Develop Corrective Action Plans related to audit and/or Quality Assurance activities – including implementation of the Corrective Action Plan at the program level.
  • Develop and implement strategies to assure that programs may obtain highest level of certification/license.
  • Monitoring program adherence to levels of service and productivity and revenue targets.
  • Assure that program goals, objectives and the Agency Mission are understood, fostered and supported throughout at the program level.
  • Facilitate staff’s understanding and incorporation of Agency determined Best Practices, Integrated Delivery and/or Evidence Based Practices models as needed.
  • Represent the Agency at external meetings.
  • Identifying and reporting of Agency inefficiencies that negatively impact on program ability to provide services and function in an efficient and professional manner.
  • Identifying and reporting issues that may have a negative impact on the reputation of the Agency, client and/or staff welfare or any corporate compliance issue.
  • Ensuring cooperation and rapid response to service requests related to identified parish and community needs.
  • Ensure continuous coverage of program’s access to Integrated Health and Wellness administration.
  • Coordinating vacation and time off schedules, based on seniority of Agency employment, with the approval of appropriate management staff to ensure continuous coverage of program’s access to Integrated Health and Wellness administration.
  • Reporting to Integrated Health and Wellness administration and/or Agency administration issues that may have a negative impact on the reputation of the Agency, client and/or staff welfare or any corporate compliance issue.
  • Participate in the Agency’s response as it relates to the NYC designation of being a Tier One Response organization.
  • Responsible for marketing and conducting outreach to other providers to increase referral pool.
  • Contribute to the development of treatment protocols, clinical pathways and policy papers as needed.
  • Contribute to the development of programmatic policies and monitoring program adherence to policies.
  • Providing and/or coordinating in-service trainings related to management and/or behavioral health.
  • Tracking issues related to staff retention and contributing to development of methodologies to address staff turnover.
  • Participation as needed to Agency’s response to serious incidents and critical debriefing.
  • Collaborate with Agency and program staff to develop and adhere to on-site emergency response preparedness and readiness protocols.
  • Participate in the development of appropriate program budgets and monitoring program adherence.
  • Collaborate with Agency administration in the identification of new markets and developing marketing strategies.
  • Involvement in the RFP process, CQI initiatives and other grant initiatives as needed.
  • Ensure program compliance with fire, safety, and health standards as per licensing and or quality assurance requirements and standards.
  • Participate in the development strategies to ensure that the Agency is regarded as a leader in its service provider communities.
  • Participating on Agency committees as needed.




  • Master’s Degree in a Human Service related field from a nationally accredited institution.
  • Valid NYS LCSW.
  • Upon eligibility, obtain/retain Medicare UPIN credential and Managed Care Provider applications required for programs that bill 3rd party payers for services.





  • Three (3) years of supervisory experience
  • Experience in providing services to persons with psychiatric or cognitive disabilities or comparable experience.
  • Must be well organized & computer literate.
  • Strong leadership skills and ability to motivate others.
  • The position requires a combination of skills in the following areas; administrative and clinical supervision and practice, design, operational oversight and evaluation of program services and staff, personnel management, budget development and control, property management, public relations, governmental relations, leadership development and team building skills.
  • Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Must be comfortable with public speaking, lobbying and advocacy, ability to train and educate staff.
  • Able to utilize technology conferencing tools including audio, video and /or web deployed solutions and accountable for hand-held devices (I Phone, Blackberry, I Pad, Tablets, Laptops, etc.)



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