Embedded Software Engineer/Sr. Software Engineer Location:San Diego, CA

Embedded Software Engineer/Sr. Software Engineer Location:San Diego, CA

  • Posted on : 09-08-2023
  • Job Type : Full Time only
  • Salary : 100,000 - 200,000

Job Description:

Role:Embedded Software Engineer/Sr. Software Engineer

Location:San Diego, CA

Essential Functions:

  • Perform software design based on input from clinical users, characteristics of the existing software base, consultation with other engineering staff, and system functional requirements
  • Perform software implementation, following coding guidelines and taking into account system characteristics to produce optimal performance, reliability, and maintainability
  • Conduct software evaluation and testing of own software, software from other engineering staff, and third-party software
  • Provide a test plan for use by other engineering staff, quality assurance and support departments in validating a new implementation
  • Provide technical documentation for the design, implementation and testing of the software
  • Attend design review meetings as needed to adhere to the software development procedures
  • Support the software by handling escalated service calls
  • Document and repair errors related to software
  • Enhance professional growth and development through participation in educational programs, current literature, in-service meetings and workshops
  • Assist the engineering staff in clarifying requests for software changes and understand reported problems
  • Responds to requests via CliniComp\'s engineering and support ticket systems in a timely manner
  • Perform other special projects, duties or changed duties to accommodate customers or to meet schedules as needed or directed

Basic Qualifications:

  • Bachelors degree in Science or Engineering. For example: Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Cognitive Science or Mathematics. 5 years of relevant work experience will be considered in place of the degree.
  • 5 - 7 years of relevant work experience to be considered for Software Engineer, Embedded.
  • 8 or more years of relevant work experience to be considered for Sr. Software Engineer, Embedded.
  • Ability to obtain ADP-II clearance
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills. Can tailor communication for engineers or non-technical staff.
  • Passion for software and hardware development
  • Efficient worker who leverages the latest technology and tools to improve productivity
  • Committed to constant self-improvement, stretches into new areas of technology, constantly learning
  • Focused on product quality, user experience and customer service
  • Follows software development process, requirements, review, verification and validation.
  • Resilient personality, able to thrive in a challenging environment with aggressive goals.
  • Resourceful, not afraid to ask questions. Uses books, internet resources, other employees and their professional network to proactively find answers.
  • Good work ethic, completes tasks on time, meets commitments, accountable, takes responsibility, shows initiative.


  • C / C++ programming
  • Working with Linux in a command line environment using the following utilities: bash, sed, awk, grep, find, vi, diff, strings
  • Linux software development tool chain: gcc, make, ld, nm, ldd, ar, gdb
  • Reads and correctly interprets specifications
  • Can install, configure and maintain at least one major Linux distribution
  • Understands TCP/IP network concepts: IP address, netmask, sliding window, UDP, MAC Address, arp, framing
  • Computer science concepts: Queuing theory, data structures, processes/threads, inter process communication, file systems, matricies, Big O notation, sorting, searching
  • SQL (especially SQLite)
  • Android software development including NDK
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Reads and understands electronics schematics and board layouts
  • HTTPD, SSL certificates, certificate databases
  • Can install, configure and maintain RedHat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Advanced network concepts: IP Helper, tcpdump, wireshark, netcat (nc), iptables, dhcp/bootp, tftp
  • Can configure virtual machines including QEMU and VirtualBox
  • Word, Visio, Excel, Outlook
  • Web technologies including PHP, JSON, XML, Curl

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