Solutions Architect Location Mississauga, Canada

Solutions Architect Location Mississauga, Canada

  • Posted on : 09-08-2023
  • Job Type : Full Time only
  • Salary : 100,000 - 200,000

Job Description:

8+ years of Software Development experience 5+ years of Architecture experience including experience and understanding of architecture, application development, platform systems design, and integration Post-secondary education in computer science or equivalent Solid experience with modern technologies/approaches including REST/API first applications, web and mobile technologies, event based architecture, cloud based deployments Exposure to key areas of enterprise architecture, including integration technologies, single sign on, and master data management Web service and messaging standards (REST, WS-*, JSON, SOAP, XML, JDBC, AMPQ) Web standards (JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular) Full Stack Developer with 5+ years of experience in .Net v4+, Webform, MVC, C#, MS SQL Server 2008+ A minimum 5 years experience of MS SQL server with the ability to develop complex queries and stored procedures Have an understanding of the Hadoop Ecosystem and Hadoop stack Single Sign On technologies (SAMLv2, oAuth, AD, LDAP) Enterprise security (IPSec, SSL/TLS, firewalls, certificates, key management) Mobile device solutions (iOS, Android

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