Network & Technical Support Specialist Location Vancouver, Canada

Network & Technical Support Specialist Location Vancouver, Canada

  • Posted on : 09-08-2023
  • Job Type : Full Time only
  • Salary : 100,000 - 200,000

Job Description:

Resolve hardware and software technical issues according to their priority Remediate all workstation, software patches, updates and upgrades Technical Administration & Documentation Monitor, administer and support servers in a â??Highly Availableâ?? environment Set up new employees including credentials, software, workstation, telephone and printers Facilitate the purchasing and deployment of technology equipment Ensure adequate hardware and software is available (including backup hardware) Create, maintain and validate backup jobs including Cloud copies Maintain adequate security levels where required on all systems and applications Maintain and monitor Office and Warehouse building access and security systems Coordinate the IT portion of operational or administrative projects Communication Report on Server and Systems status Report system outages in a timely manner Inform users of support reques

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