Mobile Architect

Mobile Architect

  • Location : East Hanover, NJ
  • Posted on : 09-08-2023
  • Job Type : Contract to Hire

Job Description:

1.Complete Skill Matrix (Years Of Experience In Each Skill):


Technical ArchitectMobile: years

Java/JEE: years

Native iOS/AndroidMobile Apps: years

Hybrid Mobile Apps(HTML5/JS/CSS): years

AngularJS: years

Cordova: years

REST APIs (REST over JSON, SSL): years

Tomcat, spring:years

UX & UI, HTML:years

ContinuousIntegration  (CI) & Continuous Delivery (CD) using Jenkins or Similarsystems (DevOps): years

Amazon Web Services(AWS): years

Healthcare pharma domain: years



15 years of strong technical background in all aspects of Architecture,Design, Development and Testing

Primary experience with Java/JEE and related technologies andframeworks to build large web and mobile applications

Experience in building Responsive Web Design (RWD) websites

Worked in the Last 3-5 years with Mobile App solutions, includingNative iOS/Android Mobile Apps and Hybrid Mobile Apps (HTML5/JS/CSS) or JSFrameworks such as AngularJS, Cordova.

Min 3-4 years of experience designing, building and technicallymanaging Mobile App projects with Native and Hybrid Apps

At least one of the Mobile Projects used AngularJS as the main frontend technology and Java as the backend technology

Experience with App distribution tools for Beta testing and deploymentto App Stores

Experience with connecting Mobile Apps to Backend using REST APIs (RESTover JSON, SSL)

Experience with designing and building RESTful Services using Java

Worked with a variety of Java technologies such as   Tomcat,Spring, etc.

Strong database development and data modeling skills

Exposure to integrating with security/SSO systems for authentication (2factor), authorization

Basic knowledge of UX & UI, HTML

Knowledge of Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery usingJenkins or Similar systems (DevOps)

Basic knowledge of server sizing and setup on Amazon AWS

Basic understanding of the Healthcare pharma domain

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