Service Desk Support

Service Desk Support

  • Location : Topeka, KS
  • Posted on : 09-08-2023
  • Job Type : Contract

Job Description:

Dutiesto assist retail network would include:

• Assisting with provisioning network services to retail stores, including butnot limited to establish new services either 4g/DSL to new/existing storelocations
• Break/Fix firewall/4G shipments for urgency 1 outages to provide networkconnectivity
• Configuration of new store firewalls (Fortinet/Juniper)
• Assisting with network ticket troubleshooting as the need arises for networkissues around OMNI/Legacy stores

Skill sets needed to assist with these duties:

• High attention to detail (small configuration mistakes break things)
• Familiarity with DSL/4G technologies
• Familiarity with IP Addressing/Subnetting
• Network troubleshooting experience
• Familiarity with Juniper (JunOS), Fortinet (FortiOS) helpful

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