Scrum Master Location Syracuse,NY Dur: 6-12 months

Scrum Master Location Syracuse,NY Dur: 6-12 months

  • Posted on : 09-08-2023
  • Job Type : Contract

Job Description:

Duties of Scrum Master

  • Facilitate his team for better creativity and tries to improve the efficiency of the development team.

  • Responsible for managing the scrum process with the coordination of scrum team in Agile methodology.

  • Responsible to remove the impediments for the scrum team.

  • Arranged daily stand-up meetings, facilitate meetings, schedule meetings, demo and decision-making processes in order to ensure quick inspection and proper use of adaptation process.

  • Helps product owner to make the product backlogs in good shape and make them ready for the next sprint.

  • Responsible to Conduct retrospective meetings.

  • Organizes and facilitates the sprint planning meeting.

  • Acts as safeguard for his team.

Technical Skills:

  • Knowledge of agile methodology and frameworks likeScrum, Kanban, XP, etc.

  • Good skills to coach team how to follow agile scrum, which really works.

  • Understand the basic fundamentals of iterative and incremental development.

  • Strong knowledge of Scrum theory, rules and practices.

  • Knowledge of other Agile approaches, like:Kanban, Crystal, FDD, XP, etc.

  • Knowledge about other methodologies other than Agile-Scrum, so that he can explain other methodologies to motivate his team.

  • Basic knowledge of software development processes and procedures to understand his team needs.

  • He should have knowledge about Agile techniques like: User Stories, Continuous Integration, ATDD, TDD, Continuous Testing, Pairing, Automated Testing, Agile Games.

  • Ability to take and understand his commitment to deliver the product on time.

  • Know about the value of metrics and incremental delivery.

  • Knowledge about tasks, backlog tracking, burndown metrics, velocity, user stories etc.

  • Familiar with common development practices, Service oriented environments, and Agile practices.

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