jira/Linux Admin..San Jose, CA Dur: 6 M+ Rate:Open
San Jose, CA
Job Description:
Location: SanJose, CA (Open for relo candidate)
Duration: 6+month
Rate: Market
No h1b
Interview:Phone + Skype
Client: Weare not allowed to disclose client information.
JIRA / Wiki /HipChat / Service Desk / Bitbucket - Would like to setup JIRA (first),Confluence (second), HipChat (third), and (Service Desk / Bitbucket) later on,in a high availability data center configuration.
Change sets:
With stagingenvironments setup correctly, we can start implementing change sets with ourproduction systems. We would have a formal procedure that everyone can seewhich notifies the 1-2 times a month we push changes from staging to productionand we create formal change sets. This will help us diagnose log file problemsas well as any failures or things that start popping up.
We are currently onMySQL regardless of what we move to it will either be Oracle or Postgres. TheSRE needs to evaluate the options and provide an analysis with a recommendation(cost, support, functionality, reliability) of what to officially migrated to.They will then be responsible for the migrations of all dev, staging,production, vendor, and external installations.
Additional desiredrequirements:
- Datacenterexperience for JIRA, Confluence w/ Bitbucket/Service Desk/HipChat as a bonus
- Oracle DBexperience
- MySQL DBexperience
- Migration andupgrade experience of JIRA/Confleunce/HipChat/Bitbucket
Ashutosh Tripathi-
Team Lead - Recruitment
Ph- 609-608-0442 || Fax: 732-909-2282
Email: atripathi@sourceinfotech.com
Connect: www.linkedin.com/pub/ashutosh-tripathi/49/1a9/2b0
Hangout: ashutoshtripathi68 Yahoo#ashu_recruiter
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Key Skills:
- MySQL, JIRA, Linux