Java Back-end Developer

Chandler, AZ

Job Description:

- 8+ years of experience withJ2EE/Web development skills.

- AngularJS, Jquery, JavaScript,JavaScript libraries

- Web app developmentexperience across all layers of the stack.

- Expertise in Java(Preferred JDK 8)

- Strong exposure to back-endframeworks/technologies:

- Spring (DI, Transactionmanagement)

- Spring Boot (Spring JPA,Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring REST API)

- Strong exposure tofront-end technologies

- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

- Experience with relationaldatabases. Preferred knowledge: Oracle

- Database experienceincluding object design, object management and SQL

- Hibernate

Key Skills:

  • Java back-end framework, Angular JS, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Bootstrap

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