.Net Developer

Wayne, Miami, PA


Job Description:

Location :- Miami, FL/Atlanta, GA/ Wayne, PA

Duration:Full Time



Job Description: 

Technical skill set




















                    Participatingin various Client meetings with the team and the Project manager to discussimprovements/amendments in the development of the section.


C#, .NET 4.5/4.6, Visual studio2017/2015, Oracle 12C, WSDL, HTML, JavaScript, Entity frame work, Prism, Azure ServiceFabric, MVC, ORM, Rest Services, JQuery, AngularJS, Agile, AJAX, XML, UML, IIS8.0, TFS-2015, OctopusDeploy, Git.


Key Skills:

  • .net, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.Net,

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